Founded in 2024 and based in Montana, USA, Symphony is an innovative open-access publisher dedicated to making scientific research and academic studies accessible to a global audience.
Our mission is to contribute to the worldwide scientific community by facilitating the free sharing and dissemination of knowledge.
At Symphony, we offer high-quality, peer-reviewed academic journals on digital platforms at no cost to readers.
Our aim is to enhance access to information for researchers, academics, and students worldwide, while fostering interdisciplinary collaboration.
Symphony’s vision is to embrace open science principles, contributing to knowledge and societal progress.
Equal opportunity for all authors to publish their research to reach a growing audience
Rigorous peer-review process, strict ethical policies and editorial standards to ensure high quality contributions across diverse fields
Contents available immediately after acceptance under a Creative Commons attribution license, with no embargo period
Highest editorial standards with a simplified and cost-effective submission process to ensure efficient dissemination of accepted content